About SOCM
Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment
What is SOCM?
SOCM (pronounced “sock-em”) is a 50-year-old, member-driven organization dedicated to empowering Tennesseans in their efforts to have a greater voice in determining their own future. We accomplish this by training local leaders and by developing and sustaining long-term, democratically run, and locally rooted membership organizations in communities throughout Tennessee. Together, SOCM members work towards a Tennessee where all people are treated with dignity, where our environment is preserved and protected, and where corporations and public officials are held accountable to the needs of the people.
SOCM’s original name, Save Our Cumberland Mountains, grew out of our origins as a grassroots community organization based in poor isolated coalfield communities in the Cumberland Mountains. In 2008, we changed our name to Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment to better reflect our growth and development throughout the years and our commitment to justice across Tennessee.

Our Structure
Leaders are the members who, at the chapter, committee, or Board level, really run SOCM and carry out its work. SOCM believes that leaders should take on all tasks that are not uniquely defined as staff responsibilities.
SOCM is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of officers, a representative from each chapter, and three at-large representatives. The Board makes policy and financial decisions and sets the direction for SOCM's work. Members also make up internal committees that govern SOCM such as the finance committee, nominating committee, and personnel committee.
Each fall, SOCM hosts an Annual Meeting where members vote on Board members, approve by-law changes, and give input to the Board on issues they would like to work on the following year.